Do You Want to Become a Self-Published Author?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to write a book just like the one you are reading right now?

If you are thinking I have wondered if I had what it takes to do that, read on.

How cool would it be to go away for a weekend with just you and your computer and write? Imagine sitting with your friends discussing what is working and what isn’t with your story. Then think how good it will feel to put your head down and address all of the excellent suggestions your editor has made that will take your book to the next level?

To do those things, you need to have a solid plan for where you are going, what the destination will look like, and how you will get there. You probably think writing a book is something people start but never finish, but if you can complete my step-by-step guide to walk you through some essential aspects of writing and self-publishing a book, you will prove to yourself that you have what it takes to get the job done.

You’ve heard you need to submit your manuscript to publishers only to wait months before being turned down, but the truth is, you don’t need a publisher to get your story out to the world.

Not believing you are good enough is the #1 reason people don’t fulfill their dream to write a book, which is why I’ve created Make a Splash Self-Publishing: 7 Key Steps to Get You Started.

Because you deserve to reach your goals in life—writing or otherwise—and if this simple tool can start you on that path, why not use it? Get instant access to the guide by filling out the form below and get ready to give your dream of writing a book a try because the growth you will experience if you do will blow you away.

After you download it, I challenge you to consider where you want to go with your writing, then come back here and tell me if you are ready to commit to the process and move from writer to author. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the difference this short practice can make.

We all have a story to tell and all we need to do to get that story out there, is to persist.

7 Key Steps to Get You Started!!